By The Dram Glendronach 10 Year Old 2009 PX 30ml
Glendronach$13.00Glendronach Distillery 2009 10 Year Old Cask Bottling Pedro Ximenez Sherry Puncheon Cask 2091 ABV 61.9% 30ml
$13.00销售 -
By The Dram Glendronach 11 Year Old 2008 Oloroso 30ml
Glendronach$13.00Glendronach Distillery 2008 11 Year Old Distillery Hand-Fill Olorsoso Sherry Puncheon Cask 2992 ABV 61.7% 30ml
$13.00销售 -
By The Dram Glendronach 11 Year Old 2009 PX 30ml
Glendronach$13.00Glendronach Distillery 2009 11 Year Old Distillery Hand-fill Pedro Ximenez Sherry Puncheon Cask 5875 ABV 60.8% 30ml
$13.00销售 -
By The Dram Glendronach 11 Year Old 2009 PX 30ml
Glendronach$10.00Glendronach Distillery 2009 11 Year Old Cask Bottling Pedro Ximenez Sherry Puncheon Cask 2039 ABV 59.3% 30ml
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By The Dram Glendronach 11 Year Old 2010 PX 30ml
Glendronach$12.00Glendronach Distillery 2010 11 Year Old Distillery Hand-Fill Pedro Ximenez Sherry Puncheon Cask 2994 ABV 59.3% 30ml
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By The Dram Glendronach 12 Year Old 2008 PX 30ml
Glendronach$9.00Glendronach Distillery 2008 12 Year Old Cask Bottling Pedro Ximenez Puncheon Cask 8558 ABV 59.4% 30ml
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By The Dram Glendronach 13 Year Old 2006 PX 30ml
Glendronach$13.00Glendronach Distillery 2006 13 Year Old UK Exclusive Pedro Ximenez Puncheon Cask 5538 ABV 57.4% 30ml
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By The Dram Glendronach 14 Year Old 2005 PX 30ml
Glendronach$13.00Glendronach Distillery 2005 14 Year Old Distillery Hand-fill Pedro Ximenez Sherry Puncheon Cask 1938 ABV 57.9% 30ml
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By The Dram Glendronach 25 Year Old 1993 Oloroso 30ml
Glendronach$33.00Glendronach Distillery 1993 25 Year Old Oloroso Sherry Butt Cask 416 ABV 51.2% 30ml
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By The Dram Glendronach 26 Year Old 1994 Oloroso 30ml
Glendronach$43.00Glendronach Distillery 1994 26 Year Old Distillery Hand-fill Oloroso Sherry Butt Cask 2172 ABV 52.2% 30ml
$43.00销售 -
By The Dram Glendronach 27 Year Old 1992 Oloroso 30ml
Glendronach$43.00Glendronach Distillery 1992 27 Year Old UK Exxclusive Oloroso Sherry Butt Cask 182 ABV 49.5% 30ml
$43.00销售 -
By The Dram Glendronach 27 Year Old 1992 PX 30ml
Glendronach$43.00Glendronach Distillery 1992 27 Year Old Glendronach Appreciation Society Release Pedro Ximenez Puncheon Cask 5850 ABV 54.5% 30ml
$43.00销售 -
By The Dram Glendronach 27 Year Old 1994 Oloroso 30ml
Glendronach$43.00Glendronach Distillery 1994 27 Year Old Distillery Hand-fill Oloroso Sherry Puncheon Cask 7470 ABV 52.6% 30ml
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GlenDronach 12 年原味 70cl
GlenDronach$63.00装瓶注意事项: 这款高品质 12 年威士忌是雪利酒单一麦芽威士忌的缩影。口感丰富、奶油般柔滑,余味干爽、余味中等,让您难以忘怀。 位于阿伯丁郡福格谷的格兰多纳酿酒厂以其水源命名。德罗纳克烧伤。用于生产 GlenDronach 的工艺基本保持不变。今天的麦芽是使用优质的俄勒冈松木蒸馏器和 1...
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GlenDronach 15 年复兴威士忌 70cl
GlenDronach$97.00装瓶注意事项: 格兰多纳 (GlenDronach) 的 15 年陈酿复兴版 (GlenDronach 15 Year Old Revival) 是一款深受喜爱的产品,但令人遗憾的是,该酒厂于 2015 年因缺乏成熟库存而停产。不过,库存已经补充,格兰德罗纳 15 年复兴威士忌又回到了我们的...
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格兰多纳 18 年阿拉迪斯 70cl
GlenDronach$193.00装瓶注意事项: GlenDronach 18 年威士忌以酿酒厂著名创始人 James Allardice 的名字命名。这款卓越的雪利酒单一麦芽威士忌色泽自然,瓶装酒精度为 46%。在最优质的西班牙 Oloroso 雪利酒桶中熟成,这款口感浓郁的雪利酒麦芽威士忌确实令人难忘。 木桶类型: ...
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GlenDronach 桶装强度批次 12 70cl **每位客户最多 2 瓶**
GlenDronach$80.00装瓶注意事项: 第 12 批 GlenDronach Cask Strength 以天然木桶强度装瓶,结合了 Pedro Ximenez 和 Oloroso 木桶熟成威士忌,这是高地酿酒厂的代名词。 木桶类型: Pedro Ximenez 和 Oloroso 批次:12 品酒笔记:...
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Glendronach Ode to The Embers 70cl
Glendronach$73.00Bottling Notes: The scent of smouldering peat, the warm hearth of the Highlands, and memories of times past bring us home again. Days when malt kil...
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Glendronach Ode to Valley Sherry & Port Cask 70cl
Glendronach$69.00Bottling Notes: In a bountiful twist of bramble vines, on the edge of the Scottish Highlands, sits The Glendronach Distillery. Here, the land gives...